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Technical and General Media Publications. Film, TV and Radio. ExoVasc Personalised External Aortic Root Support. The ExoVasc Personalised External Aortic Root Support is a revolutionary new device. It is designed to manage aortic dilation. In people with Marfan syndrome. The ExoVasc is placed around the ascending aorta. Watch and listen to more about PEARS.
KEA advises territories, organisations and people to unlock the potential of cultural and creative industries. Subscribe to receive our newsletter by email. Check out our latest coverage. Have your say on our topics.
Join our online community, connect to our social networks, attend our annual events. Discover Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT in our new video trailer.
Workshop on RRI in relation to shale gas extraction. In march the DBT Foundation hosted a workshop on responsible research and innovation in relation to shale gas extraction. This workshop was the first out of five workshops to be conducted during spring 2015, with the aim of providing broad Read more. Res-AGorA contributes to EuroScientist special issue on RRI. Res-AGorA case studies now available.
Competence Cluster in Nutrition Research. Next DietBB Seminar Series Talk with Dr. Circuit-level models of homeostatic mechanisms for food intake and its modulation by reward. How does our food affect the genetic makeup and the brain? And how do gene profiles help with early detection of diseases? October 21, 2016.
Vad är Horisont 2020? Hur bär jag mig åt? Var kan jag få hjälp? Vad är en påverkansplattform? Hur kan jag delta? En svensk plattform för. Science with and for Society. Och Responsible Research and Innovation. Hur bär jag mig åt? .
The global event for creative entrepreneurship. Bcreative facilitates the convergence of various artistic and creative competences. Technical, scientific and entrepreneurial skills. In order to generate social and economic innovation. The event aims to influence policy makers and involve citizens to ensure that creative ideas permeate societal development.
Navigating Towards Shared Responsibility in Research and Innovation Approach, Process and Results of the Res-AGorA Project This book is the result of the research project Res-AGorA Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Read more.
En blogg om smink och skönhet. Nina på All Sweet In Life.
I fredags var jag inbjuden till Riksföreningen Grundens årliga politiker-paneldebatt och i år var temat arbetsmarknadspolitik. Grunden är en organisation av och för personer med intellektuella funktionsvariationer. Bara en av fem elever som gått i gymnasiesärskolan ett lönearbete. 47 procent har daglig verksamhet, en obetald sysselsättning.
Paradiset Matmarknad på Södermalm i Stockholm. En liten snurrknut mitt uppe på huvudet.